

The runner must get past the players and capture the flag. Two barrels are placed 20m apart E_W, two players per barrel, with the runner starting 20m S. Flag is 20m N of barrels. Once runner has captured the flag, stop shooting. Next runner tries his luck, until all have had a run. Do not clean paint until last runner is finished, use paint marks to score winner with least marks. If a tie, tied runners run again until winner is evident or a player gives up.


Game type: Speed / Skill / Nerve

# of Players: 1+ 4

Game time limit: None

Paint: max 3 rounds each, runner gets 6

Winner: Least hits

Cover: Runner-none 1 barrel standing per 2 other players. If player is hit, he may not fire again, if he does it is classed as a negative kill.

Medic: None