Capture the supply road: Tactical, Limited initial ammo, 30min to 1Hr per Game


This is played in the open, long grass field below the patrol course. The defenders will defend a section of the patrol course where the attackers will leave their second supply of ammo. Once the defenders have been defeated, they will fall back to their “base” in the forest, where they will respawn. This is a one shot kill scenario, with respawn only happening once an objective is reached.


Attackers only enter the game with 1 pod of ammo loaded into their guns, the rest is left on the supply road...If you run out of ammo, you are classed as KIA for that section of the game! (Your Ammo levels will be checked!!)


Defenders enter the game leaving half of their ammo at their bunker, the other half they may take with to the road defence position, they may not collect this ammo until the second part of the game. (Your Ammo levels will be checked!!)


Attackers Objective 1: Take the road to reach your supplies and respawn your hit comrades.

Attackers Objective 2: Overrun the base and kill the commander/capture the flag.


Defenders Objectives: STOP THEM!!......TWICE!!


Winning Condition: If time limit is reached, player head count, most players on a side remaining win.


Base Scenario Courtesy of: Brad Pell