Sniper Alley-Large course/15 acres/ Radio / Realistic!!


Mini Competition Game: Club Members only for the prize draw - This was Won by Jay and Second Prize went to George!


A route was set up in conjunction with the snipers before play at about 10h00. Snipers got to course early to walk out the 1.5km trail. The route was marked with danger tape, each point is visible to the previous/next point. Snipers positioned themselves at approximately every second marker and this was signified by a double tape mark at that position, and were not be visible to each other, but were in radio contact as a group.


Aggressors / Patrol: 5 and 10 man teams were sent on patrol to mop up snipers and patrol the route, we have learned that Basil is not to be put before the last post as a sniper, very little, if any, patrol members made it past him!


A great fun day was had by all, with more than 50 players participating. Some guests arrived and climbed in after hearing the fun on the radios in the safe area! Special thanks to Gangsta Boy for coming all the way from JHB to join in on the fun, it was gr8 to have you down and you are more than welcome to bring Dad with next time to demo how “precious” works!


Unfortunately, due to the size of the course, marshals ran themselves ragged and there was no time to take pictures. It has been decided that after this game an off-road motorcycle will be made available on the range for fetch, carry and quick response, steep slopes and weak legs do not mix well!


Many thanks to all who participated and visited, a special mention must be made of Colin Kemp - Kemp Estates, who sponsors our SMS reminders, thanks for attending and socialising with us.

9 Jul 2005 - Sniper Alley