New Scenario—HeadHunter !

2 dog tags, 2 lives, he who has the most tags wins……

This test was played on a remote field about 2km from the range in a blue gum forest, this looks a bit like ‘Nam …..


And now from one of the players:-


The course we were to play was on the neighbouring farm, so we all kitted up and climbed into 3 all terrain vehicles and made our way down to the forest, next to the bridge at Ferdi’s place. The atmosphere was awesome. The smell of paint in the air had everyone on edge. When we reached the playing field, we could hear the buzz in the group that pulsed through the forest like the adrenalin in our veins. The first group went in and played a small scale game. Our group was like a caged panther. Every time a shot went off we moved closer and closer to the forest, we were loaded and ready to go, you could see the determination in our eyes, you could feel the lust for killing forging through our bodies.


We were right on the edge of play, the smaller game was close to over and we were eager. They had barely left the playing field when we moved in – we had not been able to scout the area before hand so we were pretty much ‘blind’. The players took straight to the ravine with the aim of penetrating the brush and digging in. Once in the ankle deep mud, all we had to do was climb up an 8 foot or so bank and take cover… ja, well, no, fine… Marshall Ed called ‘game on’ before we could get into position. (His brilliant tactical move of the day!) The players had to dig in where we stood and all alliances and game planning went up the proverbial creek.


There was a thick ‘Vietnam’ kind of atmosphere, mosquitoes buzzing around our ears, the faint rustle of leaves as the breeze caressed the forest floor. You could almost hear your opponents’ hearts beating.


Times of quiet were scarce though, paint was laid to the maximum as the Warriors had to trim out areas of bush and bark with a burst rapid fire to enable a decent view of the enemy. The ‘Head-Hunter’ scenario proved to be one of the best we have played and after scoring and losing our dog tags to some awesome tactical gaming, we hear the Marshall shout ‘Game Over.’


What a rush!