11 Feb 2006 Club– Hostage/POW - Read More

11 Mar 2006 - VC Patrol - Read More

24 Mar 2006 - Blade Paintball SA Visit—Read More

13/14 May 2006 - WEEKEND WAR! - Read More

10 Jun 2006 - General’s Nest - Read More

01 Jul 2006 - Jo’s Game - Read More

08 Jul 2006 - Bus War - Read More

12 Aug 2006 - House Assault - Read More

01/02 Sept 2006 - Gonubie NG Church Function...Read More

09 Sep 2006 - Bush Games with Hard Cover - Read More

11 Nov 2006 - Realistic, Tactical Game, Radio Comms with Tactical objectives - Read More

Past Events 2006