30 June 2007 - Sniper Challenge

30 June 2007 - The Votes were cast! - Enemy at the gate

Watch the movie - Now Play the Game ! 

This was a SNIPER ON SNIPER scenario!

Started 14h30, main scenario finished 16h15, with a CTF after for dessert !


This was played on the main/center course with a couple of devilish little rules that I dreamt up to spice things along…..like no hoppers….like no firing while the siren is blowing…..!


I got a few very dubious looks from the guys while I explained the rules at the start of the game, mostly shock, some horror, and quite a few questionable “you can’t be serious” type looks…..but once the guys had gotten over the culture shock of not having 200 rounds at quick disposal, and having to load every shot singly, the game got under way….and what a game it was!! There were about 32 players active in the main game which lasted about an hour and a half (at a rough guestimate only about 800 rounds or so were used in the game by all combined)...well done to the winners! Although it was initially decided that there was only going to be one winner, a draw was declared (by vote of the club members already out of the game) that the last couple of players still in the game deserved first places each!


A second game of Capture the flag ensued with the field sounding like a demented pop-corn factory - Plenty of ammo was loosed - with the players more than making up for the lack of trigger pulling in the first round!


After all of the chaos died down, a fire was lit and large chunks of steak proceeded to become edible with smiles and aches all round……..


Many thanks to all who attended !