Bus vs Bush:

Club Game :

-10 February 2007-

Start 14h00, Social after (in spite of the rain) - Bus vs Bush


Approximately 30 Members and visitors had two fast and hard games on the MINI course using  bush and bus with barrels for hard and soft cover, a VERY short course, approximately 15m long, but about 35m wide. Effectively it was a Capture the Flag scenario with the 2 teams starting in a secure position and having to try and grab the goodies. Neither game was won, both ended in a draw, but surprisingly, bush was a better starting position for both games. Hard cover was NOT the place to be! After the one shot one kill scenarios, a Defend the Flag game was played which lasted almost an hour. Another short break and the patrol course was played, ending at about 17h30 in the rain….Everybody then had a “meeting” over beverages in the shelter of the bus...the range then closed at about 21h00 with the last of the guys swimming home!


It was a record weekend for club enrolment, with about 12 new members signing up - Welcome to the Warrior Family to you all and we wish you many, many days of fun and SAFE playing!