P.O.W. Rescue

10 Mar 2007 - POW Rescue - Late afternoon Game with an evening / night scenario, First Game started 16h30 and ended at 17h15, Night Game Started at 20h30 and Finished approximately 23h00 with some stragglers carrying on till about 23h30 - Guards  and Machine Gun Tower / Spotlight / POW’s Fenced off...Rules that were (attempted to be) played


After the Afternoon Game, there were a few rules that were modified to allow for better play, the game was not perfect with the spotlight giving the guards a major advantage in the night section, it was decided to take the machine gun away from the poor, outnumbered guards who proceeded to hold the attackers at bay for the entire game!…... One proposal for a future game of this style is to have the POW Camp Backlit so the aggressors can have a better chance of rescuing the POWs, at least there will be silhouettes to target!


We had a brilliant turn out for the night game with about 35 players on the field. Granted, it was not everybody that enjoyed the night scenario, but just by being there you all added to the enjoyment - MANY THANKS!


This is the first club game that I have played in in more than a year and I thoroughly enjoyed it– Ed


Also, Many thanks to all of those who lent a hand assembling, erecting and removing scaffolding and also to all members who assisted with every part of the Game, from braaing through to playing and cleaning up afterwards……..YOU MADE IT ALL HAPPEN !